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Arts and Sciences

Melba Vasquez

Born: 1951 in San Marcos, Texas
Died: Still living

Education and Work

  • She received her Bachelor’s degree in English and Political Science along with a certification to teach from Southwest Texas State University.
  • While working on her Master’s in school counseling, she taught English and Political Science in a middle school in Texas.
  • In 1978, she completed her doctoral studies in counseling psychology at the University of Texas in Austin.
  • After graduating, she became one of the psychologists at UT Austin’s counseling center.
  • At the same institution, she directed the internship training program.
  • She taught in the counseling psychology doctoral program at Colorado State University.
  • Over a decade after, she decided to hold her own private practice while still maintaining an active role in her previous endeavors 

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • She was one of the first recipients of the APA’s minority fellowship.
  • She served as president of the Texas Psychological Association, the 17th and 35th Divisions of the APA.
  • She co-founded the  APA Division 45 (the society for the psychological study of ethnic minorities).
  • In 2011 she was elected as president of the APA, making her the first Latina APA president.
  • She currently serves on the APA board of Directors.