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04/11/2024 — 2024 Alumni Awardee David Fedele — On April 11th, 2024, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. David Fedele as the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for his significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology. Dr. Fedele is a Principal Research Scientist & Program Director at the Center for Healthcare Delivery Science through the Center for Pharmacogenomics and Translational Research at Nemours Children’s Health.


04/11/2024 — 2024 Alumni Awardee Alayna Tackett — On April 11th, 2024, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. Alayna Tackett as the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for her significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology. Dr. Tackett is an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine & Medical Oncology and conducts research through the Center for Tobacco Research in the James- Comprehensive Cancer Center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.


04/11/2024 — 2024 Alumni Awardee Dana Bakula — On April 11th, 2024, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. Dana Bakula as the recipient of the 2024 Rising Star Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for her significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology. Dr. Bakula is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and the Program & Research Director of the Feeding & Swallowing Program in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Children’s Mercy Kansas City, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.


04/11/2024 — 2024 Alumni Awardee Christina Sharkey — On April 11th, 2024, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. Christina Sharkey as the recipient of the 2024 Rising Star Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for her significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology. Dr. Sharkey is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Supporting Health, Adjustment, Resilience, & Knowledge Lab in the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of America.


04/12/2023 — Dr. Mullins Awarded 2023 Dennis Drotar Distinguished Research Award in Pediatric Psychology — It is with great pride that the Center for Pediatric Psychology announces Dr. Larry Mullins was awarded the 2023 Dennis Drotar Distinguished Research Award in Pediatric Psychology by the Society of Pediatric Psychology. This award recognizes Dr. Mullins’ excellence and significant contributions to the scientific base of pediatric psychology.


04/12/2023 — 2023 Alumni Awardee Stephen Gillaspy — On April 6th, 2023, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. Stephen Gillaspy as the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for his significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology, including his research and advocacy for the psychology field.


08/23/2022 — 2022 Alumni Awardee Janelle Wagner — On April 28th, 2022, the OSU Department of Psychology was delighted to honor Dr. Janelle Wagner as the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Alumnus Award for her significant and longstanding contributions to the field of pediatric psychology, including her research, support, and advocacy for children with epilepsy and their families. Dr. Wagner received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2004. She completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship in pediatric psychology at the Medical University of South Carolina where she currently holds the rank of Research Associate Professor.


04/02/2021 — APA Div. 22 Rehabilitation Psychology 2020 Annual Meeting — Dr. Larry Mullins, Director of the Center for Pediatric Psychology (CPP), and Dana Bakula, current CPP trainee and pre-doctoral intern at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, gave an invited address at the Rehabilitation Psychology Mid-Winter Meeting in February. This presentation, entitled Translating Pediatric Psychology Clinical Science into the Rehabilitation Setting, was invited to represent the field of Pediatric Rehabilitation at this year’s annual conference.


04/02/2021 — Grant Updates

  • Long Term Outcomes of Interventions for Reproductive Dysfunction — Source: NIH R01 2R01HD074579-08 Role: Co-Principal Investigator Status: Funded ($2,900,000 total costs)  Project Period: 05/01/2018 - 02/28/2023  The Long-term DSD project continues in its seventh year, collecting parent self-report data and has started collecting parent-report on child outcomes. Recent Publications: Delozier et al. (2019); Perez et al. (2019)
  • A Clinic-Based Interdisciplinary Intervention for Parents of Children with Cancer — Source: NIH/NINR R01 Role: Co-Principal Investigator Status: Funded ($2,754,450) Project Period: 10/01/2013-5/31/2020 ​The cancer cross-sectional project will continue data collection this year with updated measures. Recent Publications: Perez et al. (2019)
  • Development of an Internet-Delivered Illness Uncertainty Intervention for Caregivers of Children with a Disorder of Sex Development: A Multi-Center Collaboration — Source: NIH/NINR R21 Role: Co-Principal Investigator Status: Funded ($375,000 total costs) Project Period: 06/03/2017 - 5/31/2019 The DSD illness uncertainty intervention project wraps up its development, including collecting professional and parent feedback.

04/02/2021 — 2019 Alumni Awardee Bernard Fuemmeler — Dr. Bernard Fuemmeler, 2001 graduate of the Clinical Psychology doctoral program at Oklahoma State University, returned to campus September 2019 to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Arts and Sciences as well as the Center for Pediatric Psychology Distinguished Alumni Award from the Center for Pediatric Psychology. Dr. Fuemmeler is a Professor of Health Behavior and Policy, Endowed Chair in Cancer Research at Virginia Commonwealth University, and the Associate Director for Cancer Prevention and Control at the Massey Cancer Center at Virginia Commonwealth University.


04/02/2021 — 2018 Alumni Awardee Kevin Hommel — Dr. Kevin Hommel, 2002 graduate of the Clinical Psychology doctoral program at OSU returned to campus to receive the inaugural Center for Pediatric Psychology Distinguished Alumni Award from the Center for Pediatric Psychology at a reception in his honor. Dr. Hommel is a Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Health Technology Research at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.