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Arts and Sciences

Dr. Ciciolla's Lab

Child Adaptation and Maternal Psychopathology

The Child Adaptation and Maternal Psychopathology Laboratory (CAMP) studies processes of risk and resilience within the context of the parent-child relationship. Our lab is interested in exploring how parental caregiving and parent-child interactions serve as underlying mechanisms for children's psychosocial development and adaptation. We are especially interested in risks associated with maternal mental health and maternal trauma history, and the role of the caregiving relationship in the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology and adverse childhood experiences.

Courses Taught

  • Psych 2243 - Clinical Child Psychology — This course will present information from empirical research, key theories, and concepts that shape the current understanding of developmental psychopathology, and clinical child and adolescent psychology.
  • Psych 5113 - Psychopathology — Principles of diagnosis and treatment of major psychological disorders.
  • Psych 6640 - Clinical Practicum — Practicum experience for graduate students in the clinical psychology program.
  • HDFS 5193 - Reflective Practice in Human Development and Family Sciences — An exploration of the principles and methods of reflective practice. Reflective journaling and group interactive dialogue based on the application of theoretical models. Supervised field experiences in community settings.

Join Our Lab

Graduate Students

Dr. Ciciolla will be reviewing applications for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Undergraduate Students

Becoming a CAMP Research Assistant
  • Provides students with “hands-on” experience with clinical research
  • Assists students in deciding what type of graduate school in psychology they want to pursue
  • Helps students gain information and training on the research process
What to Expect Working in the CAMP Lab
  • Learning more about how parental caregiving and parent-child interactions serve as underlying mechanisms for children’s development and functioning.
  • Understanding the research process including: conducting literature reviews, recruiting participants, collecting data, reorganizing and coding data, analyzing data, and providing results.
  • Gaining hands-on experience: working with mothers, fathers, children, collecting data.
  • Designating three hours a week to lab work.
  • Attending weekly lab meetings (Wednesdays at 4:00 pm).

Are you an undergraduate interested in joining the CAMP lab? If so, please complete an application.