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About Our

Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants and Staff
Our faculty embrace their role as public-facing scholars, actively engaging with students and the broader intellectual community in a wide range of topics relating to American and global politics. Our graduate assistants actively engage in research and support undergraduate student learning in their roles as teaching assistants. Our staff are here to help students navigate their learning experiences in the political science department.
Photo of 4 faculty members

Higher Education and Democracy Research Lab

The Higher Education and Democracy Research Lab (HEDR Lab) is an ongoing research endeavor that examines how college level civics coursework impacts students’ understanding and perceptions of American government and politics.
U.S. Flag flying in front of the U.S. Capitol

AlumniAdvisory Board

The Political Science Advisory Board helps strengthen and sustain our research, teaching and service, as well as to improve our facilities, expand our financial resources and serve our alumni.