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Why Study Plants?

Plants provide food and oxygen for the entire biosphere, literally supporting the existence of life on Earth. They also provide shelter, fiber, fuel and medicinal compounds that profoundly affect mankind. Plants fascinate biologists because they regulate ecosystem processes, form complex relationships with other organisms, and have intriguing patterns of development and diversity.


student planting a plant

Plant Biology, B.S.

Modern field of study in the Biological Sciences focused on plants.

Plant Biology Finish in Four Plan
Female student working with cells

Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, B.S.

An exciting field for understanding plant life.

Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Option Finish in Four Plan
2 female students looking at plants in the field

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, B.S.

Harness the abilities of plants to provide us with food, medicines and energy.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Option Finish in Four Plan
male student using a pipette

Plant Biology: Pre-Pharmacy, B.S.

Plant secondary compounds are the basis of pharmacology.

Pre-Pharmacy Option
forensics lab

Plant Biology: Pre-Forensics, B.S.

Identify contaminants, track the spread of pests and invasive species, and help solve crimes.

Pre-Forensics Option
pocket prairie

Plant Biology: Pre-Law Environmental Policy, B.S.

Protect species and their environment, fight for intellectual property rights, drive legal change.

Pre-Law Environmental Policy Option
student examining a plant on the farm

Plant Biology Minor, PLB

Plant Biology Minor



Each student should schedule an individual appointment with a career coordinator.

Career Services

OSU Botanical Society

The Oklahoma State University Botanical Society (OSUBS) is a student-led organization that focuses on education and increasing awareness of the natural world, primarily plant life.

Get Involved


The Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution encourages all students to become involved in research projects.

Undergraduate Research


See available scholarships for undergraduate students.
