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Dr. Shahid's Lab

We study interspecies RNA communication and epigenetic regulation in parasitic plants and beyond. Small RNAs and chromatin modifications in host-parasite communication: Often considered as the genomic ‘junkyard’, the non-genic regions of the genome are actually rich sources of many regulatory elements such as small RNAs and transposable elements. Despite their powerful regulatory potential, non-genic elements are often poorly annotated in the genome.


This annotation gap greatly hinders understanding the extent of the biological roles of non-genic elements. Using parasitic plants as a model system, we found a novel role of small regulatory RNAs in plant-plant communication (Shahid et al, 2018, Nature). Our Lab’s central biological questions focus on the transfer, diversity, and evolution of these mobile elements and their role in RNA interference and epigenetic regulation in interspecies communication. We use bioinformatics, genomics, molecular and synthetic biology approaches to address research questions.


Feel free to reach out if you are interested in joining the lab or collaborating on research projects.

Courses Taught

  • PBIO 1404 Plant Biology, every semester — Basic concepts in the biology of plants from the perspective of structure and function, ecology and evolution, and diversity.
  • BIOL 3023 General Genetics — Inheritance in plants, animals, and microorganisms; molecular and classical aspects. Previously offered as BIOL 3024 and BISC 3024. Prerequisite(s): BOT 1404, or BIOL 1604, or equivalent.
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