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Dr. Bachelot's Lab

My research program focuses on the high tree diversity in the tropical forest. How can so many species coexist in the same forest? To address this question, I combine field observations, computer approached, and theoretical modeling. The majority of tropical tree species associate with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. These mutualists can alter the effects of natural enemies (herbivores, pathogens, etc) on seedling dynamics. My research program investigates how natural enemies and fungi influence seedling dynamics and plant species coexistence. A second main question of my research program is to understand how plant communities are responding to climate change. I am currently collaborating on a tropical warming experiment in Puerto Rico to uncover some of the effects of warming on understory plant communities in a tropical rainforest.


The Bachelot Lab explores questions of plant community ecology. We are primarily interested in asking, "how do so many plant species coexist"? Our research group work includes investigating the impacts of:


  1. Warming on tropical forests (seedling demographics, plant physiology, and nutrient cycling).
  2. Biotic interactions in regulating plant communities.
  3. Fungal spillover from coffee plantations into adjacent forests.
  4. Biological species invasion on grasslands.

We use a variety of approaches to understand plant communities from long-term plant surveys, to hyper-spectral imagery, DNA sequencing, and theoretical modeling.

Courses Taught

  • PBIO 1404 Plant Biology, every fall semester — Basic concepts in the biology of plants from the perspective of structure and function, ecology and evolution, and diversity.
  • BIOL 3034 General Ecology, every semester — An overview of the study of organisms interacting with each other and their environment at individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization. Includes human interaction with ecological systems.

Lab Statement on Inclusion​

The Bachelot Lab is committed to inclusivity and equality and does not tolerate racism. Our lab group is a welcoming space for students and scientists of all backgrounds and identity groups. Our lab group has an on-going commitment to increase representation of Black scientists in Ecology. Our lab group regularly reads and discusses important articles about anti-Black racism in Academia. We are also committed to increasing representation of women and LGBTQ+ persons in STEM.