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Arts and Sciences

Trumpet Studio Audition Repertoire

Undergraduate Students

Audition material is flexible, but it should demonstrate your very best in both technical and lyrical playing.


Suitable repertoire includes the following:

  • Standard Solo Trumpet Repertoire (i.e. Haydn, Hummel, Arutunian, Hindemith, Kennan, Stevens, Tomasi)
  • Technical and Lyrical Etudes (i.e. Wurm, Charlier, Brandt, Goldman, Bitsch)
  • Standard Orchestral Excerpts
  • All-State Etudes

Please prepare a solo of your choice and a contrasting etude. You will also be required to sight-read. Those interested in the Bachelor of Music in Performance are encouraged to prepare 3-5 standard orchestral excerpts.


Graduate Students

Auditions should consist of standard repertoire including two contrasting solos, two contrasting etudes, 3-5 orchestral excerpts, and sight-reading.