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Local Resources 

  • The Spring (formerly DaySpring Villa)

    The Spring is Oklahoma’s first faith-based certified shelter for domestic violence victims and the first shelter of its kind in the state for adult survivors of human sexual trafficking.

  • Trust Women

    Trust Women's goal is to expand abortion care and maternal health care to tens of thousands of women by opening more clinics. According to Trust Women's web site, "In every state where we open a clinic, we will create model policy agendas to expand access to care. They build deep community support for these services and the policy makers who stand up for them.

  • White Horse Ranch

    White Horse Ranch is located on a ranch setting in the northwest part of Oklahoma. They are a welcoming and friendly residential treatment facility and serve as a home for troubled girls, ages 12 to 18 who are in crisis and in need of hope and healing. They provide specialized Integrated therapeutic services for teenage girls who have co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues, being especially supportive of the emotional, cognitive, physical, social and moral development of each young woman.

  • Wings of Hope: Family Crisis Services

    Wings of Hope Family Crisis Services, is committed to stopping interpersonal violence and is dedicated to helping families end the cycle of violence that is frequently passed on from one generation to another. They seek to empower the victims of these crimes and to hold perpetrators solely accountable. Their goal is to provide comprehensive and confidential services to individuals and families experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and child abuse or neglect. They seek social change through community awareness and client advocacy. Safety is their top priority. At Wings of Hope Family Crisis Services, they work to foster a safe environment in which positive change can take place, while teaching critical safety planning for all ages.

  • Women's Resource Center

    Grassroots in nature, the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is a non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting individuals who have experienced violence in the Cleveland County community. With specialized services catered to domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, WRC continues to refocus objectives to adapt to the diverse, changing needs of the community.

National Resources 

  • American Association of University Women (AAUW)

    American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a nationwide network of more than 100,000 members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 600 college/university institution partners. For 130 years, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. Our commitment to our mission is reflected in all aspects of our work. AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.

  • Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940*

    This archive contains nearly 1.5 million pages of documents covering important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. Unique in its inclusion of the experiences not just of the LGBTQ community as a whole, but of individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations, and geographical locations that constitute this community, the archive contains historical records of political and social organizations founded by LGBTQ individuals; publications by and for lesbians and gays; extensive coverage of governmental responses to the AIDS crisis; correspondence and interviews with numerous LGBTQ individuals; gay and lesbian newspapers from more than 35 countries; reports, policy statements, and other documents related to gay rights and health; materials tracing LGBTQ activism in Britain from 1950 through 1980; and more. In addition, the archive encompasses extensive material related to feminism, women’s rights, and women’s concerns. This archive is essential for scholars and researchers focused on gender and LGBTQ studies, women's studies, American studies, civil and human rights, journalism, social movement history, British twentieth-century history, and more.


    *People with Oklahoma State University library access can use this archive via the OSU library homepage. Go to Homepage > Databases > Archives of Sexuality > Login Page.

  • Black Lives Matter

    #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.

  • is a thriving online community fostering awareness, education and activism for women all across the world. serves as the Internet’s definitive hub for resources and information dedicated to women's equality, justice, wellness and safety. Like a "feminist Google," facilitates connections between women and the many, varied organizations serving their needs and interests worldwide.

  • Feminist Campus

    The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) started the Feminist Campus program to inform young feminists about the very real threats to abortion access, women’s rights, affirmative action and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights posed by right-wing extremists. FMF works with students on college campuses to effect change at the grassroots, national, and global levels. The campus program is built upon FMF’s philosophy that the most effective activism is informed activism, or study to action. Our program provides progressive students with opportunities to learn about timely feminist issues, develop their leadership and organizing skills, and connect with the larger pro-choice and feminist movements.

  • The Feminist Press

    The Feminist Press is an independent nonprofit literary publisher that promotes freedom of expression and social justice. They publish exciting authors who share an activist spirit and a belief in choice and equality. Founded in 1970, we began by rescuing “lost” works by writers such as Zora Neale Hurston and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and established our publishing program with books by American writers of diverse racial and class backgrounds. Since then we have also been bringing works from around the world to North American readers. We seek out innovative, often surprising books that tell a different story.

  • Feministing

    Feministing’s community blog exists to provide a platform for feminist and pro-feminist writing, to connect feminists online and off, and to encourage activism. We hope that the Community blog will be a forum for a variety of feminist voices and organizations.

  • GLAAD: Transgender Resources

    GLAAD lists several organizations and resources for the transgender and ally community.

  • The Good Men Project

    The Good Men Project was founded by Tom Matlack in 2009 as an anthology and documentary film featuring men’s stories about the defining moments in their lives. The original, modest goal, was to tell stories about men that “changed the writer and changed the reader.” In the process, it became apparent that this book was fostering a much-needed cultural conversation about manhood. Since that time, The Good Men Project has grown into a diverse, multi-faceted media company and an idea-based social platform. According to the website, “The Good Men Project is a glimpse of what enlightened masculinity might look like in the 21st century,” the press raved when they launched. Finally, “a cerebral, new media alternative” to glossy men’s magazines. In fact, The Good Men Project is not so much a magazine as a social movement. We are fostering a national discussion centered around modern manhood and the question, “What does it mean to be a good man”?

  • Guts Canadian Feminist Magazine

    GUTS is a digital, volunteer-run Canadian feminist magazine and blog. Our biannual magazine publishes literary essays and reviews, long-form journalism, interviews, fiction, and new media to further feminist discourse, criticism, and community engagement in Canada. Our blog regularly posts informal and accessible content featuring up-and-coming feminist projects and persons of interest, short essays, prose, letters, reviews, updates, and rants.

  • Guttmacher Institute

    Four decades after its creation, the Guttmacher Institute continues to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights through an interrelated program of research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate and promote sound policy and program development. The Institute’s overarching goal is to ensure the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health for all people worldwide. The Institute produces a wide range of resources on topics pertaining to sexual and reproductive health, including Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Guttmacher Policy Review. In 2009, Guttmacher was designated an official Collaborating Center for Reproductive Health by the World Health Organization and its regional office, the Pan American Health Organization.

  • ICORN: International Cities of Refuge Network

    The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) is an association of cities around the world dedicated to the value of freedom of expression. Writers have consistently been targets of politically motivated threats and persecution, and the network believes it is necessary for the international community to formulate and implement an appropriate response. Each ICORN city focuses on one writer at a time, each writer representing the countless others in hiding, in prison or silenced forever. By providing a guest writer with a safe place to stay and economic security for a standard term of two years, ICORN cities make an important, practical contribution to the promotion of freedom of expression.

  • National Alliance of Women’s organizations (NAWO)

    The National Alliance of Women’s organizations (NAWO, founded 1989) is an umbrella organization for over 100 organizations and individuals based in England. All members are concerned to ensure women gain access to their human rights, and to make equality between women and men a reality. Its diverse membership includes: single issue to specialist organizations, faith groups, health centres, arts-based organizations and others offering services and campaigning across a range of women’s concerns. NAWO works in partnership with other women’s organizations to ensure that women’s voices are heard and attended to nationally, in Europe and internationally, as well as to ensure that gender is mainstreamed throughout all government policies and in their implementation

  • National Center for Transgender Equality

    The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.

  • National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women

    At National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women you’ll find resources on domestic violence, sexual violence, funding, research, and international issues. You’ll also find news, announcements, and events related to the work of the movement and related fields of practice. From the comprehensive lists of resources found in Special Collections to the concise interpretations of current research in our peer-reviewed Applied Research Papers, VAWnet has a variety of formats and material types to offer. This resource library is home to thousands of materials on violence against women and related issues, with particular attention to its intersections with various forms of oppression.

  • National Organization for Women (NOW)

    National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. NOW’s purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society — sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination. NOW is one of the few multi-issue progressive organizations in the United States. NOW stands against all oppression, recognizing that racism, sexism and homophobia are interrelated, and that other forms of oppression such as classism and ableism work together with these three to keep power and privilege concentrated in the hands of a few.

  • National Women’s Studies Association

    Established in 1977, the National Women's Studies Association has as one of its primary objectives promoting and supporting the production and dissemination of knowledge about women and gender through teaching, learning, research and service in academic and other settings. Their commitments are to: illuminate the ways in which women’s studies are vital to education; to demonstrate the contributions of feminist scholarship that is comparative, global, intersectional and interdisciplinary to understandings of the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences; and to promote synergistic relationships between scholarship, teaching and civic engagement in understandings of culture and society. See also their Journals of Gender, Women's, Feminist, and Sexuality Studies.

  • Resources on Personal Pronouns

    In English, whether we realize it or not, people frequently refer to us using pronouns when speaking about us. Often, when speaking of a singular human in the third person, these pronouns have a gender implied—such as “he” to refer to a man/boy or “she” to refer to a woman/girl. These associations are not always accurate or helpful. At Resources on Personal Pronouns, learn more about why pronouns matter, how to use personal pronouns, and how to use and cultivate gender inclusive language.

  • Rural Women’s Studies Association

    Founded in 1998 as an outgrowth of the Sixth Conference on Rural and Farm Women in Historical Perspective, the Rural Women's Studies Association is an international association for the advancement and promotion of farm and rural women's gender studies in historical perspective. The Association aims to encourage research, to promote existing and forthcoming scholarship, and to establish and maintain links with contemporary farm and rural women's organizations. The RWSA aims to encourage scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds and countries to communicate about their research and all other activities that are supportive of the Association's goals.

  • SpeakOutNow

    SpeakOut is dedicated to the advancement of education, racial and social justice, cultural literacy, leadership development and activism. The network of speakers, artists, and strategic partners provide experiential learning opportunities through lectures, workshops, film screenings, performances and curriculum development. SpeakOut is present in colleges, universities, schools, organizations, government agencies and the private sector, promoting critical analysis, creativity and sustainable strategies for 21st century problem solving.

  • WGS South (formerly Southeastern Women’s Studies Association)

    The WGS South (Formerly the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association or SEWSA) is a feminist organization that actively supports and promotes all aspects of women’s studies at every level of involvement. The organization is committed to scholarship on and activism eliminating oppression and discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and expression, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, physical ability, and class.

  • Women & Gender Studies Section (WGSS)

    The Women & Gender Studies Section (WGSS) of the Association of College & Research Libraries was formed to discuss, promote, and support women's studies collections and services in academic and research libraries. 

  • Women in Academia Report

    Women in Academia Report monitors and reports trends concerning women in all areas of higher education, discusses important issues of gender equity, reports instances of gender discrimination, and identifies the leaders and laggards among colleges and universities in creating greater opportunities for women. Special editorial attention will be paid to academic programs and other developments at women’s colleges throughout the United States. Women in Academia Report announces significant appointments of women to positions of influence in higher education. We report important awards and grants to women scholars. We review and provide a database of books of importance to women in higher education.

  • Women's Review of Books

    Since 1983 the Women's Review of Books has provided a forum for serious, informed discussion of new writing by and about women. Women’s Review of Books provides a unique perspective on today’s literary landscape and features essays and in-depth reviews of new books by and about women. Women's Review of Books is published by the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College, in collaboration with Old City Publishing in Philadelphia, PA.

  • Women's Studies Programs, Departments, & Research Centers

    The Women's Studies Programs, Departments, & Research Centers website provides inks to more than 900 women's/gender/feminist studies programs, departments, and research centers around the world that have web sites.


    YWCA USA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities. We are one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations in the nation, serving over 2 million women, girls, and their families.

Gender and Women's Studies Journals 

  • Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture

    Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture was a quarterly, nonprofit magazine about pop culture, feminism, and media criticism. Founded and housed in the San Francisco Bay area for 11 years, they relocated to Portland, Oregon, in 2007. The first issue of Bitch was published in January 1996. The founding editors, Lisa Jervis and Andi Zeisler, were totally sick of both their day jobs and their love/hate relationship with pop culture. Inspired by publishing ventures from Ms. and Sassy to Pagan’s Head and Beer Frame, they decided to create a public forum in which to air thoughts and theories on what is all wrong (and the few things that are right) with the way women, gender, and feminist politics are treated in the media. The aim was to use feminism as a lens through which to view pop products—and to offer ways for readers to speak up and talk back to the culture at large. Their archive is still available.

  • BUST Magazine

    With an attitude that is fierce, funny, and proud to be female, BUST Magazine provides an uncensored view on the female experience. BUST tells the truth about women's lives and presents a female perspective on pop culture. BUSTing stereotypes about women since 1993.

  • Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources

    Feminist Collections reviews the latest print, electronic, and audiovisual resources for research and teaching in women's studies. Recent book reviews have treated such subjects as women of color in academia, pregnancy in modern America, feminist evangelicalism and girls' studies. There are guides to new bibliographies and reference works, critiques of videos, announcements of new websites and blogs, and news of out-of-the-way materials—pamphlets, reports, rare book dealers' catalogs, microforms and more. Thoughtful articles by experts explore women's publishing, Internet resources, library organization, archives and other tools for feminist scholarship. New periodicals and special issues of journals in other disciplines are announced in each issue.

  • Feminist Formations

    Feminist Formations publishes the most up-to-date, interdisciplinary, multicultural feminist scholarship linking feminist theory with teaching and activism. It regularly includes essays focusing on feminist scholarship, reviews of books, teaching materials and films and such features as "On Learning and Teaching," "Forum," "Report," and "Biographical Portraits." Its subject matter includes national as well as global and transnational feminist thought and practice, the cultural and social politics of genders and sexualities, historical and contemporary studies of gendered experience, agency, and activism, and other established and emerging lines of feminist inquiry. Feminist Formations showcases new feminist theoretical formations, cultivating a common forum where feminists can articulate theory, activism and education.

  • Feminism & Psychology

    Feminism & Psychology is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for debate at the interface between feminism and psychology. The journal's principal aim is to foster the development of feminist theory and practice in and beyond psychology. It publishes high-quality original research, theoretical articles, and commentaries. Feminism and Psychology offers an intellectually and politically charged archive of historic and contemporary lines of analysis within feminism and psychology, across continents.

  • Feminist Review

    Feminist Review is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal setting new agendas for feminism. Feminist Review invites critical reflection on the relationship between materiality and representation, theory and practice, subjectivity and communities, contemporary and historical formations. The FR Collective is committed to exploring gender in its multiple forms and interrelationships. Feminist Review resists the increasing instrumentalisation of scholarship within British and international higher education and thus supports the generation of creative and innovative approaches to knowledge production. As well as academic articles they publish experimental pieces, visual and textual media and political interventions, including, for example, interviews, short stories, poems and photographic essays.

  • Feminist Teacher: A journal of the practices, theories, and scholarship of feminist teaching

    Feminist Teacher (FT) provides discussions of such topics as multiculturalism, interdisciplinarity and distance education within a feminist context. FT serves as a medium in which educators can describe strategies that have worked in their classrooms, institutions, or non-traditional settings, theorize about successes or failures, discuss the current place of feminist pedagogies and teachers in classrooms and institutions and reveal the rich variety of feminist pedagogical approaches.

  • Make/Shift: Feminisms in Motion

    Make/Shift Magazine creates and documents contemporary feminist culture and action by publishing journalism, critical analysis and visual and text art. Made by an editorial collective committed to antiracist, transnational and queer perspectives, make/shift embraces the multiple and shifting identities of feminist communities. Make/shift knows there’s exciting work being done in various spaces and forms by people seriously and playfully resisting and creating alternatives to systematic oppression. Make/shift exists to represent, participate in, critique, provoke and inspire more of that good work.

  • Off Our Backs: The Feminist Newsjournal

    Off Our Backs was a nonprofit organization run by a collective where decisions are made by consensus. Formerly a print news journal by, for, and about women, off our backs was published from 1970 to 2008. The mission of off our backs is to provide news and information about women's lives and feminist activism, to educate the public about the status of women around the world, to serve as a forum for feminist ideas and theory, to be an information resource on feminist, women's, and lesbian culture, and to seek social justice and equality for women worldwide.


  • Outskirts Online Journal

    Outskirts: feminisms along the edge is a feminist cultural studies journal published in May and November. New and challenging critical material, from a range of disciplinary perspectives and addressing a range of feminist topics, are brought together to discuss and contest contemporary and historical issues involving women and feminisms. Outskirts is produced through the discipline of Gender Studies at the University of Western Australia. It is supported by editorial consultants and independent academic referees.

  • Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism

    Rain and Thunder is a grassroots publication created and distributed by a collective of radical feminist women. Published three times a year, Rain and Thunder brings you the very best in radical feminist news, analysis, theory, community building and activism. Rain and Thunder has been published for over 10 years and continues to fill a much needed gap in the realm of independent feminist media.

  • Signs

    Recognized as the leading international journal in women’s studies, Signs is at the forefront of new directions in feminist scholarship. The journal publishes pathbreaking articles, review essays, comparative perspectives and retrospectives of interdisciplinary interest addressing gender, race, culture, class, nation and sexuality. Special issue and section topics cover a broad range of geopolitical processes, conditions and effects, cultural and social configurations, and scholarly and theoretical developments.

  • Sprinkle Journal: A Journal of Sexual Diversity Studies

    Sprinkle, a peer-reviewed undergraduate Sexual Diversity Studies journal, was originally conceived in 2007 as a collection of student works from the McGill Sexual Diversity Studies department. We hope to widen this scope a bit, but continue to produce a queer-positive, critical journal that seeks to challenge the normative experiences that are often privileged within our society. In this vein, we hope to draw attention to queer history and experience as well as other issues of gender and sexuality, subjects not often addressed within classroom curricula. This journal hopes to draw from and appeal to a wide audience, and people of numerous identities and backgrounds. Sprinkle aims to lend legitimacy to the thoughts and experiences of young people, and produce an engaging publication.

  • Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education

    Taboo is an academic forum for the study of teaching and pedagogy that focuses on the relationship between education and its socio-cultural context. Drawing upon a variety of contextualizing disciplines including cultural studies, curriculum theorizing, feminist studies, the social foundations of education, critical pedagogy, multi/interculturalism, queer theory, and symbolic interactionism, Taboo is grounded on the notion of “radical contextual- ization.” The journal encourages papers from a wide range of contributors who work within these general areas. As its title suggests, Taboo seeks compelling and contro-versial submissions.

  • Women’s Studies Quarterly (WSQ)

    Since 1972, Women's Studies Quarterly (WSQ) has been an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of emerging perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality. Its thematic issues focus on such topics as Activisms, The Global and the Intimate, The Sexual Body, Trans-, Technologies, and Mother, combining psychoanalytic, legal, queer, cultural, technological, and historical work to present the most exciting new scholarship on ideas that engage popular and academic readers alike. In 2007, WSQ was awarded the Council of Editors of Learned Journals’ Phoenix Award. WSQ is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published twice a year in June and December. Along with scholarship from multiple disciplines, it showcases fiction and creative nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, and the visual arts.

Poetry and Creative Writing Journalsthat Promote Gender and Women's Studies

  • Adanna Literary Journal

    Adanna, a name of Nigerian origin, pronounced a-DAN-a, is defined as “her father’s daughter.” This literary journal is titled Adanna because women over the centuries have been defined by men in politics, through marriage, and, most importantly, by the men who fathered them. Today, women are still bound by complex roles in society, often needing to wear more than one hat or sacrifice one role so another may flourish. While this journal is dedicated to women, it is not exclusive, and it welcomes our counterparts and their thoughts about women today.

  • Birds of Lace Press

    Birds of Lace is a feminist press founded & edited by Gina Abelkop. Born in 2005 and currently based in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, Birds of Lace publishes chapbooks and books by emerging writers.

  • Bone Bouquet

    Bone Bouquet is a biannual online journal seeking to publish the best new writing by female poets, from artists both established and emerging. They aim to highlight the important work of female poets, who are often underrepresented in the writing community and popular media. Rather than personal politics, their criteria are excellence and vibrance. Rather than segregating the poetry of ‘women’s issues’ from ‘regular’ creative work, their goal is to provide an additional arena in which female poets can make their work more visible to readers, building their reputations as artists.

  • Broad!

    Broad! is a online literary semiannual that publishes exclusively women writers and artists.  (“Women” meaning female-bodied or female-identified individuals, that is.) Women writers are severely underrepresented in literary publications today, and Broad! hopes to help change that. This zine accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction (particularly personal essays and nonfictional narrative), photography, and visual art. They're especially interested in work that crosses or plays with genre. The writing, photography and art included within Broad!‘s pages are not required to be about women or be “women’s stories” (whatever that means); your submission may concern itself with whatever you wish, as long as you are female-bodied or -identified and produced it yourself.

  • Burner Magazine

    Burner Magazine, a digital pop art magazine, aims to take the boring out of the literary and arts scenes, bringing together original and edgy artists of all shapes and sizes. It promises to get your blood pumping, heart racing, and to induce literary and visual crushes. The Burner contributor is a muse and amusing, compelling and never complacent. Burner is about science, art, truth, conspiracies, naturalism, cyborgs, music, beauty, sex and everything in between. According to the editors: "Burner is that girl. She's witty, pretty, and doesn't dumb herself down. By day, she's a kindergarten teacher and by night, dances gogo. Inspired by fellow revolutionaries from John Lennon to Virginia Woolf, she's a muse and amusing, compelling and never complacent. The Burner girl gets hot and bothered by the Marquis de Lafayette, aspires to redefine the zeitgeist like Nietzsche, and provokes thought like Margaret Atwood."

  • The FBomb

    The FBomb is a blog/community created by and for teenage girls who care about their rights as women and want to be heard. In this case the “F Bomb” stands for “feminist.” However, it also pokes fun at the idea that the term “feminist” is so stigmatized — it is our way of proudly reclaiming the word. The fact that the “F Bomb” usually refers to a certain swear word in popular culture is also not coincidental. The is for girls who have enough social awareness to be angry and who want to verbalize that feeling. The is loud, proud, sarcastic…everything teenage feminists are today.

  • Kaleidoscope: Exploring the Experience of Disability through Literature and the Fine Arts

    Kaleidoscope has been exploring the creative spirit since first published by United Disability Services in 1979. Since then, the magazine has polished those first photocopied pages into an award-winning literature and fine arts magazine with contributors and subscribers from around the world. Kaleidoscope is recognized as a leader in the field of disability studies for its exploration of the experience of disability through literature and the fine arts. It presents works that challenge stereotypical perceptions by offering balanced, realistic portrayals of people with disabilities. Each issue features a variety of thematically related material, which expresses the experiences of a disability from the perspective of individuals, families, healthcare professionals and society as a whole.

  • Knockout Literary Magazine

    Knockout's editorial focus is summed up in the following way: "We love the hell out of poetry. All different types. From pantoums to prose poems. We also publish about a 50/50 mix of GLBT and straight writers."

  • Literary Mama: reading for the maternally inclined

    Literary Mama, an online literary magazine, features writing by mother writers about the complexities and many faces of motherhood. We publish book reviews, columns, creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and profiles of mother writers. Literary Mama features mama-centric writing with fresh voices, superior craft, and vivid imagery. We are a home for beautiful poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction that may be too long, too complex, too ambiguous, too deep, too raw, too irreverent, too ironic, and too body conscious for other publications. While plenty of other online literary magazines and journals publish writing like this, none devote themselves exclusively to writing about motherhood. And while there are other motherhood-centered sites that publish some fantastic writing, they tend to stick to shorter, non-fiction pieces. At Literary Mama, writers explore ideas and emotions that may be outside the usual scope of commercial writing.

  • Mom Egg Review

    Mom Egg Review is an annual print literary journal of poetry, fiction, creative prose and art by mothers about everything, and by everyone about mothers and motherhood. The Mom Egg’s mission is to expand the conversation to include varied perspectives by and of mothers, and to increase opportunities for mothers, women and artists.

  • Muzzle Magazine

    Muzzle Magazine aims to bring together the voices of poets from a diverse array of backgrounds, paying special homage to poets from communities that are historically underrepresented in print and online publications.

  • So to Speak: a feminist journal of language and art

    So to Speak, founded in 1993 by an editorial collective of women MFA candidates at George Mason University, has served as a space for feminist writing and art for nearly twenty years. So to Speak: a feminist journal of language and art publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art that lives up to a high standard of language, form, and meaning. This journal looks for work that addresses issues of significance to women’s lives and movements for women’s equality and are especially interested in pieces that explore issues of race, class, and sexuality in relation to gender.

  • The Truth About the Fact: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction

    The Truth About the Fact: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction is an international journal committed to the idea that excellence in the art of letters can play a vital role in transforming the planet we share. The individual truth (the lower case version) when artistically rendered in print has the potential to intellectually and emotionally engage readers with just enough power to make one consider the perspective of The Other. With just enough power to make a human being listen to another human being. No small enterprise in a world increasingly dedicated to opening wounds instead of ears.

  • Weave Magazine

    Weave Magazine is a literary organization and print publication located in Pittsburgh, PA. It seeks to create a space for a cross-section of writers and artists to meet on the page, on the stage, and in workshop. Weave celebrates diversity in both the creator and their works and strive to showcase both novice and established writers and artists. The name Weave came from a desire to publish a wide-range of artists from all walks of life. The word “Weave” became the primary action for the publication: the weaving together of voices on the page and in the local community. The magazine pledged to seek work from both emerging and established artists and writers. Weave seeks the work of local artists. Weave promises to publish the under-represented: women voices, voices of people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender voices and more. But most of all, Weave seeks to publish the best artistic and literary works available.

  • Yew Journal

    The Young Eager Writers (YEW) Journal is a home for inspiration, innovation, and voices of all kinds. At YEW, we aim for inclusivity and strive to publish work by talented, earnest, and daring young writers. Our team of young editors and writers operates this literary journal with the mission to create the spaces they wish to see within the literary world.


Sexual Assault Awareness Resources 

  • American Association of University Women (AAUW)

    American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a nationwide network of more than 100,000 members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 600 college/university institution partners. For 130 years, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. Our commitment to our mission is reflected in all aspects of our work. AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.

  • Apne Aap Women Worldwide

    Apne Aap Women Worldwide is a grassroots Indian organization that empowers marginalized girls and women to resist and end sex trafficking. We organize vulnerable girls and women into small self-empowerment groups, where they work collectively to access legal, social, economic and political rights.

  • Center for Reproductive Rights

    Center for Reproductive Rights is a global human rights organization of lawyers and advocates who ensure reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person.

  • Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute

    Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute (CMRPI) is a national, science-based, 501(c)3, nonprofit organization in Alameda, CA. CMRPI conducts research to prevent child sexual abuse and provides information to prevention organizations, agencies, professionals, and families to use to prevent abuse.

  • Circle of Sisterhood

    The Circle of Sisterhood exists today to help make that better life possible by removing barriers to education and creating sustainable change for girls and women around the globe.

  • Darkness to Light (D2L)

    Darkness to Light empowers adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction.

  • Equality Now

    At Equality Now, we believe in creating a just world for women and girls. Since 1992, our international network of lawyers, activists and supporters have tackled the most difficult issues, challenged ingrained cultural assumptions and called out inequality wherever we see it.

  • HEAL Africa

    HEAL Africa compassionately serves vulnerable people and communities through a holistic approach to Healthcare, Education, community Action, and Leadership development in response to changing needs. It fosters high standards in practice and research within each of those areas.

  • International Justice Mission

    Together, at International Justice Mission we can build a safer, more just world. Children, women and men face the reality of modern slavery, exploitation and abuse every day because people in power prey on the vulnerabilities that poverty creates. We’re on a mission to partner with local communities to build a more just world where everyone can expect to be safe and protected.

  • Joyful Heart Foundation

    The vision of the Joyful Heart Foundation is a world free of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse.

  • Just Yell Fire

    Just Yell Fire is taking on a crisis social problem: violence and abuse against young women and girls.

  • Men against Sexual Violence (MASV)

    Men against Sexual Violence (MASV) A Toolkit Curriculum to Promote Male Involvement in Ending Sexual Violence Produced by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape

  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVC)

    The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence.

  • New Hope for Cambodian Children

    John and Kathy Tucker, an American couple, came to Cambodia in 2000 to work with the Maryknoll organization, providing assistance to adults who were dying with AIDS. They soon realized that, as the adults died, they often left behind children with no one to care for them. More often than not, the children were also infected with the HIV virus. Many of them were very sick and dying as well. New Hope for Cambodian Children collaborates with the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and non-governmental organizations to assist Cambodian children and their affected families living with HIV/AIDS.

  • Office on Violence Against Women

    The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

  • Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

    Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault works to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Oklahoma and Indian Country.

  • One Billion Rising

    One Billion Rising is the biggest mass action to end violence against women (cisgender, transgender, and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence) in human history. The campaign, which launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS.

  • PACT Protect All Children from Trafficking (Formerly ECPAT: End Child Prostitution and Trafficking)

    PACT was founded in 1991, and was the first U.S. organization to focus on the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

  • RAINN: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network

    RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, y in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

  • Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center

    The Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Center's mission is to lessen the trauma-related suffering of sexual assault and promote healing by guiding those affected by sexual violence toward survival through support, advocacy, education and community collaboration. Our agency supports bodily autonomy.

  • Shared Hope International

    Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through our three-prong approach.

  • Somaly Mam Foundation

    In June 2007, Mam co-founded the Somaly Mam Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed in the United States that supported anti-trafficking groups and helped women and girls who had been forced into sexual slavery. The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) attracted the support of U.S. business leaders and Hollywood stars. SMF was the global fundraising arm of Somaly Mam's Phnom Penh-based AFESIP.

  • Take Back the Night

    Take Back The Night is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence.

  • Tostan

    Tostan, an NGO established in 1991 and headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, works to empower rural and remote African communities to bring about positive social transformation and sustainable development through a holistic empowering education program. Our human rights-based program has reached more than five million people across eight African countries. 

  • Wings of Hope Family Crisis Center

    Wings of Hope Family Crisis Services, is committed to stopping interpersonal violence and is dedicated to helping families end the cycle of violence that is frequently passed on from one generation to another. They seek to empower the victims of these crimes and to hold perpetrators solely accountable. Their goal is to provide comprehensive and confidential services to individuals and families experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and child abuse or neglect. They seek social change through community awareness and client advocacy. Safety is their top priority. At Wings of Hope Family Crisis Services, they work to foster a safe environment in which positive change can take place, while teaching critical safety planning for all ages.


    YWCA USA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities. We are one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations in the nation, serving over 2 million women, girls, and their families.

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