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Scholarship application announcements will be circulated by email to undergraduate majors and graduate students each semester.


  • Arrington Family Scholarships
    Undergraduate history majors who combine academic strength with demonstrable financial need should apply. GPAs of less than 3.5 will be considered.
  • Berlin B. Chapman Endowed Scholarship
    Awards will be given to full-time undergraduate or graduate students working toward a degree in history at OSU. Preference will be given to applicants whose main focus of study is Oklahoma History (funding available fall only). 
  • Gabriel Endowed Scholarship
    Applicants must be history majors and show evidence of financial need, exhibit strong leadership ability and good character, and demonstrate high academic achievement.
  • History Department Advanced Degree Fellowship
    Applicants must have been born in Oklahoma and be senior undergraduate history majors at Oklahoma State University who have applied for admission to the OSU History graduate program. The award is contingent upon admission to and enrollment in the OSU History Department Master’s Degree program.
  • History Department Undergraduate Research Paper Awards
    Funded by the History Scholarship Fund. The award will recognize the best papers in any area of history written for a history course taken at OSU by a history major during the spring, summer, or fall semesters. The papers submitted for the competition will be judged according to the following criteria: 1) Originality. Each paper should develop a clear thesis and should not be simply descriptive. 2) Research. Each paper should utilize both primary and secondary sources and should include documentation and a bibliography. 3) Writing and Style. Each paper should be well-written, thoroughly proofread and conform stylistically to the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Homer L. Knight Outstanding Senior Award
    Applicants must be history majors and have completed at least 93 hours with an overall GPA of 3.5 or above. This scholarship also requires a letter of recommendation from a history department faculty member.
  • John and Cindy Dobson Endowed Scholarship
    Applicants must be history majors, show evidence of financial need and demonstrate high academic achievement. This scholarship also requires a letter of recommendation from a history department faculty member.
  • Outstanding Junior History Major
    Applicants must have been born in Oklahoma and have completed at least 59 hours with a 3.5 GPA or better overall and at least a 3.75 in history courses.
  • Outstanding Sophomore History Major
    Applicants must have been born in Oklahoma and have completed at least 27 hours with a 3.5 GPA or better overall and a 3.75 or better in history courses. They should plan to teach American History in some fashion during their professional careers. This may include at the post-secondary level. If qualified applicants are not found, faculty may nominate a student.
  • Ted L. Agnew Memorial Scholarship
    Undergraduate history majors, especially those who will be juniors and seniors in the fall, who have shown their excellence in recent achievements will be preferred.
  • Thomas M. Steele Research Scholarship/History Scholars Program
    Customize your own research seminar. Undergraduate majors are welcome to apply for the History Scholars Program, a one semester research seminar in which students will work closely with several other history majors on a common topic or theme under the supervision of one or more faculty members. In addition to the stipend, which is drawn from the Steele Scholarship Fund, each student will earn three credit hours that may be applied to the history degree in place of the required Senior Seminar. Applicants must have completed at least 60 credit hours with a 3.5 GPA or better in their history major and they must procure a letter of recommendation from a member of the history department who is familiar with their work.
  • Townsend Memorial Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Paper
    The paper submitted must deal with any aspect of American History prior to 1914, utilize both primary and secondary sources and follow the Chicago Manual of Style. It must have been written by a history major for a history course taken at OSU during the spring, summer, or fall Semesters. Applicants must intend to teach American History in some fashion during their professional careers. This may include at the post-secondary level.
  • Townsend/Minnie DeWitt Minority Scholarship
    It is the purpose of this scholarship to recognize achievement by minority students in the study of history at Oklahoma State University. Applicants who plan to teach American History in some fashion during their professional careers are preferred. This may include at the post-secondary level.