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Our Master Students

Oluwasegun Abbey

Interests: Tectonophysics, Petroleum Geology and Environmental Geophysics

Adeleye Adedokun

Interests: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, Reservoir Characterization, Structural Geology and Petroleum Geophysics

Alexandria Bradley

Interests: Groundwater Resource Management and GIS in Hydrogeology

Izabelle Buentello

Interests: Petroleum Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Unconventional Reservoir Characterization

Joshua Deen

Interests: Micropaleontology

Daniel Duah-Boakye

Interests: Environmental Geophysics, Geothermal Magnetometry and Magnetotellurics (MT)

Benjamin Emmert

Interests: Petroleum Geology and Geophysical Processing

Olivia Galvez

Interests: Marine Geochemistry and Environmental Geology

Megan Garrett

Interests: Geophysics

William Glathar

Interests: Carbon Storage, Structural Geology and Tectonics

Amanda Harding

Interests: Paleontology, Pollution Assessment, Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoecology

Clayton Hedges

Interests: Hydrogeology and Geochemistry

Monica Hinson

Interests: Oceanography and Micropaleontology

Ian Kallenberg

Interests: Petroleum Geology, Structural Geology and Carbon Sequestration

Magnolia McLaughlin

Interests: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

Jerrod Monroe

Interests: Petroleum Geology, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

Faustino Nsansi

Interests: Geophysics, Structural Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Jaren Schuette

Interests: Carbon Management Strategies, Optimization of Unconventional Reservoirs and Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

Bryston Smith

Interests: Igneous Geology, Volcanology and Critical Mineral Mining

Kaleb Smith

Interests: Petroleum Geology

Ally Swafford

Interests: Environmental Geology, Oceanography and Micropaleontology

Sydney Swisher

Interests: Micropaleontology and Environmental Geosciences

Glory Wilson

Interests: Hydrogeology, Geophysics and Environmental Geology

Mengran Xin

Interests: Paleoceanography and Biogeochemistry

Our Ph. D. Students

Ahmed Abdelrahman

Interests: Structural Geology, Tectonics, Hard Rocks Geology, Applied Geophysics, Geochronology, Remote Sensing and GIS

Worlanyo Ablordeppey

Interests: Environmental Geophysics

Joshua Ademilola

Interests: Energy,Carbon Sequestration, Reservoir Characterization, Petrophysics, Rock Physics, Seismic Inversion, Geomechanics and Carbon Mitigation

Peter Adetokunbo

Interests: Applied Geophysics, Geostatistics and Geophysical Data Inversion

Kubra Albayrak

Interests: Petroleum Geology, Geophysics and CO2 Sequestration

Abather Al-Hallaf

Interests: Hydrology, focusing on Surface Water Modeling

Ali Al Janabi

Interests: Geology and Geophysics

Maxwell Bawa

Interests: Petroleum Geochemistry, Environmental Geochemistry

Steve Beresh

Interests: Geophysics, Tectonics, Remote Sensing and Structural Geology

Souryadeep Chakrabarty

Interests: Marine Geology, Sedimentology and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

Abed Chehadeh

Interests: Structural Geology, Active Tectonics, Fluid-Rock Interaction, Climate Change, Water Security, Carbon Capture and Storage

Ian Cox

Interests: Basin Modeling, Structural Geology and Petroleum Systems Analysis

Kehinde Egunjobi

Interests: Biogeochemistry, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Petroleum Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Ahmed El Belasy

Interests: Geologic Carbon Sequestration, Unconventional Reservoir Characterization, Basin Analysis, Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy

Marwa Elshebli

Interests: Hydrogeochemistry, Hydrogeology, Energy and Data Analyst

Jon Fields

Interests: Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Aquifer Recharge and Innovation in Characterization

Lauren Haygood

Interests: Marine Biogeochemistry, Geospatial Analyses, Paleoceanography, Science Policy and Science Communication

Melina Lazar

Interests: Structural Geology, Mississippian-Aged Carbonate Rocks, Fracture Networks and Hydropower

Sunita Magar

Interests: Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling, Water Quality and Climate Change

Jordon Massey

Interests: Hydrogeology, Geomicrobiology and Economic Geology

Marcus McEnroe


Alisara Ngamlurdwongsakul

Interests: Carbon Capture Storage, Applied Geoscience, Petroleum Exploration and Production

Evelyn Nsarful

Interests: Hydrocarbon Exploration, Reservoir Characterization, Seismic Inversion and CCUS

Oghalomeno Ononeme

Interests: Biostratigraphy, Micropaleontology and Paleoceanography

Debarpita Paul

Interests: Micropaleontology and Climate Change

Silas Samuel

Interests: Hydrocarbon Exploration, Geologic Carbon/Hydrogen Storage, Reservoir Geophysics and Data Analytics

Shaluka Senevirathna

Interests: Hydrogeology, Two-Pase Flow, Petroleum Geology and Carbonate Rocks

Sreejesh Sreedhar

Interests: Geophysics, Seismic Interpretation and CCUS

Mark Sutcliffe

Interests: Stratigraphy and Tectonics

Chinanu Unigwe

Interests: Environmental Geology, Hydrogeochemistry and Energy

Chase Watkins

Interests: Carbonate Sedimentology, Petroleum Geology and Structural Geology

Yanyi Yang

Interests: Geochemistry