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Get ready to Dig Deep

Stream view looking up a cliff side in Red River Colorado.

We aim to better understand:

  • the geological, geophysical and tectonic processes in the lithosphere.
  • deformational structures, composition and properties of rocks at various scales from thin section to outcrops, to continental rifts and mountain belts.
  • kinematics and strain along plate boundaries.
  • the growth and break up of continents and collisional mountain ranges.
  • the signatures of melting, metasomatic change, magmatic activity and diffusion in the upper mantle.

We have past and active field areas in:

  • the East African Rift.
  • the Saharan Metacraton.
  • eastern Europe.
  • the Caribbean-North American plate boundary.
  • the Appalachian-Caledonian mountain belt.
  • the Wichita Mountains of southwestern Oklahoma.

Our research utilizes:

  • active source seismology.
  • potential fields and remote sensing.
  • structural field mapping.
  • petrography and petrology.
  • geo- and thermochronology.
Our Work
has implications for a better understanding of plate interactions, strain localization, crustal strength and tectonic evolution of continents. Furthermore, our work has a fundamental impact on the fields of seismic hazards and economic geology.
Waterfall in a forested area.
Our Goal
is to establish the Earth Structures and Dynamics Group as an internationally recognized leader in research and scholarships on the structure and plate tectonic evolution of the Earth.