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Robert and Lucy Fite Scholarship

Presented to qualifying incoming freshmen in the Department of Geography (GEOG, GLST, and GISci majors). The award is named in honor of Robert C. Fite, who served as a faculty member in the department for 33 years between 1949 and 1982, as well as his wife Lucy, who was an integral part of his geographic career.


Dee Family Scholarship

Presented to qualifying undergraduate majors in the Department of Geography (GEOG, GLST, and GISci majors) who demonstrate financial need and are preferably from Enid, Oklahoma.


John F. Rooney, Jr. Outstanding Junior Scholarship

Presented to the outstanding junior in the Department of Geography (GEOG, GLST, and GISci majors). The scholarship is named in honor of Regents Professor and former department head John Rooney, a pioneer in American sport geography who taught at OSU from 1969 to 1994 and remains active in sports research. One-time award. Top juniors in the department are invited to apply in January of each year.


A&S Outstanding Senior Award

Presented to the outstanding senior in the Department of Geography (GEOG, GLST, and GISci majors). Recognition at the spring A&S Awards and Honors Banquet. Top seniors in the department are invited to apply in January of each year.


Robert E. Norris Memorial Scholarship

Presented to the outstanding first-year graduate student in the Department of Geography. Bob Norris was a faculty member, well-known textbook author, and friend to OSU students from 1975 until his untimely death in 1991. The scholarship honors Dr. Norris’ dedication to student welfare and his outstanding contributions to the department. One-time award based on faculty nominations.


Robert E. Norris Field Research Award

Gifted to a graduate students to cover costs associated with travel and expenses incurred by students while conducting field work related to their theses and dissertations. Up to $1,500 of qualifying travel expenses may be reimbursed per recipient. Students must apply for this award.


Robert E. Norris Conference Travel Award

Gifted to a graduate student to cover costs associated with travel to conferences for the purpose of presenting original, student-authored research. Up to $1,000 of qualifying travel expenses may be reimbursed per recipient. Students must apply for this award.


Alyson L. Greiner Undergraduate Travel Scholarship

Presented to Department Geography undergraduate majors (GEOG, GLST, and GISci majors) to defray costs associated with travel that supports their professional development, such as attending a major conference or conducting undergraduate research. Named for and founded by Dr. Alyson Greiner, a member of the Geography Department since 1996.


Stephen W. Tweedie Endowed Travel Scholarship

Intended to help cover the travel costs for students who wish to travel nationally or internationally and gain experiences directly related to his/her major. Named for and founded by Steve Tweedie, OSU Geography professor from 1971 to 1997 and international traveler. Awards of up to $1,000 for qualifying travel; expenses are reimbursed after travel. Students must apply for this award.


Jerry Croft and Family Award in Geography Education

Presented to an undergraduate or graduate student in the Department of Geography or Secondary Social Studies Education with an expressed interest in geographic education. Named for and founded by former Geography professor Dr. Jerry Croft and family. One-time award. Students must apply for this award.


Susan Shaull Medal for Excellence in Teaching

Presented to the outstanding graduate teaching associate or assistant in the Department of Geography to recognize excellence in teaching as well as the hard work and dedication that characterized Susan’s life. All eligible graduate student instructors considered (previous year’s recipient ineligible); recipient chosen by special committee.