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Student Expectations

Graduate students in the program are expected to accomplish the following learning outcomes:

  • Develop the ability to communicate geographic information effectively orally and in writing at the appropriate master’s or doctoral level;
  • Develop apposite knowledge in geographic literature and research at the appropriate level;
  • Develop skills in tools for geographic data collection and methods of analysis at the appropriate level;
  • Be able to develop geographic creative components, theses, or dissertations that marshal evidence, analyze data, and synthesize meaningful conclusions;
  • Be able to identify and discuss significant geographic trends within their (three) chosen specialty areas of Geography (PhD students); and
  • Become familiar with work in cognate fields.

More generally, students are also expected to:

  • Become engaged in the life of the department by attending colloquia and other departmental functions;
  • Become good departmental citizens by being good stewards of our resources and understanding the priviliges and responsibilities of having access to departmental resources;
  • Become good university citizens by observing all policies relating to the responsible conduct of research, including academic integrity, and of various other graduate and professional student organizations; and
  • Become practitioners in the discipline of Geography, including attending professional meetings, joining and engaging in professional organizations, and preparing research results for publication.