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English Department Scholarships

To view previous winners of English Department Scholarships, click here

The English Department offers numerous scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. Unless otherwise noted, all applications are due on January 24, 2025Submit all scholarship materials to JuDean Howerton via email at judean.howerton@okstate.eduIf a scholarship requires a reference letter, the writer of the letter should submit it directly to JuDean.


Scholarships awards will be announced early March and are payable in the following fall semester. Students must be returning to OSU in the fall semester to be eligible for scholarships. Scholarship amounts and availability are subject to the investment performance of individual scholarship accounts. Information for each scholarship season will be updated as it becomes available.


All scholarship award winners must attend the College of Arts and Sciences' A&S Scholarship Appreciation Week. During this event, scholarship recipients learn more about their scholarship, write letters to the scholarship donors and get a photo taken with the donor. Scholarship recipients will receive more details about the event in their award letters.


Undergraduate Scholarships



Scholarships for Undergraduate or Graduate Students


Scholarships for Continuing Graduate Students

    Gladys S. Lewis Literary Studies Scholarships



    Scholarships for Incoming Graduate Students

    Graduate Student Travel Awards

    The English Department offers several travel awards for graduate students who are presenting papers at conferences or who are conducting research in archives or special collections. Travel Awards are paid as reimbursements for allowable expenses after travel, upon submission of receipts to Robert Estes. See individual awards for submission requirements and deadlines.