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Kaila Lancaster

Kaila Lancaster

PhD Student, Creative Writing - Creative Nonfiction

Pronouns: she/her
4th Floor, Morrill Hall


MFA, Oklahoma State University

BA, Southwestern Oklahoma State University


Areas of Interest
  • Creative Nonfiction

  • Autobiography and Memoir

  • Gender and Sports Studies

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL 1113: Composition I

  • ENGL 1213: Composition II

  • ENGL 1413: Critical Analysis and Writing II

  • ENGL 2513: Intro to Creative Writing

  • ENGL 3323: Technical Writing

Selected Publications


  • “Jump Rope as Romance,” Third Coast, forthcoming.

  • “Running in Place,” Brevity, 2023.

  • “Libero,” The Pinch, 2023.

  • “Spider,” Puerto del Sol, 2021.

Professional Appointments/Service
  • Assistant Director of First-Year Composition, Oklahoma State University

  • Writing Center Assistant & Writing Center Individual Consultant, Academic Services for Student Athletes, Oklahoma State University

Awards and Recognition
  • Pushcart Prize Nominee, 2021

  • Best of the Net Nominee, 2020
  • Pushcart Prize Nominee, 2018