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Graig Uhlin

Associate Professor

Address: Morrill Hall 311D
Phone: 405-744-6837
Message: 405-744-9474


PhD, New York University


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • Ecocinema, environmental aesthetics, cinema of the Anthropocene

  • The filmmaking of David Fincher

  • Classical and contemporary film theory

  • Film rhythm

  • French film history

Selected Publications
  • "Monkeywrenched Images: Ecocinema and Sabotage." New Review of Film and Television Studies 18:3 (September 2020).

  • "Tne Natural and Unnatural Histories of Patricio Guzman." Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 7:2-3 (Spring-Fall 2020).

  • "David Fincher's righteous workflow: Design and the transmedia director," in Transmedia Directors: Artistry, Industry, and New Audiovisual Aesthetics, eds. Carol Vernallis, Holly Rogers, and Lisa Perrott (Bloomsbury, 2019).

  • "On Street Cats and City Rats: Synanthropes and Cinematic Urban Ecologies." The Cine-Files 14 (Spring 2019).

  • "Film Rhythm and the Aporetics of Temporality." Quarterly Review of Film & Video (March 2019).

  • "Introduction," with Jennifer Peterson, in "In Focus: Film and Media Studies in the Anthropocene, eds. Jennifer Peterson and Graig Uhliin. Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 58:2 (Winter 2019)

  • "The Anthropocene's Nonindifferent Nature," in "In Focus: Film and Media Studies in the Anthropocene," eds. Jennifer Peterson and Graig Uhlin, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 58:2 (Winter 2019)

  • "The Raw and the Rotten: Food and Revolt in Early Modernist Film," in Modernism and Food Studies: Politics, Aesthetics, and the Avant-Garde, eds. Jessica Martell and Adam Farjado (University Press of Florida, 2019).

  • "Feeling Deplected: Ecocinema and the Atmospherics of Affect," in Affective Ecocriticism: Emotion, Embodiment, Environment, eds. Kyle Bladow and Jennifer Ladino. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

  • "Weather Diaries: Storm Squatting in the Anthropocene." Media Fields Journal 13 (February 2018).

  • "Sustainable Filmmaking: Understanding Image as Resource." Teaching Media Quarterly 4:3 (Fall 2016).

  • "Cinema at Sea: Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean Epstein, and the Quality of Wildness." Spectator 36:2 (Fall 2016): 8-14.

  • "Plant-Thinking with Film: Reed, Branch, Flower," in The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World. Lexington Books, 2015.

  • "Playing in the Gif(t) Economy." Games & Culture 9:6 (November 2014): 517-527.

  • "Reading Psycho Backwards: Gus Van Sant's Mirror-Image of Hitchcock." Hitchcock Annual 16 (2010): 127-152.

  • "TV, Time, and the Films of Andy Warhol." Cinema Journal 49:3 (Spring 2010): 1-23.

  • "Sound and Speech in Andy Warhol's Films." Quarterly Review of Film and Video 26:4 (2009): 322-338.

Selected Conference Presentations
  • "Topophilia and Peter Bo Rappmund's Infra-structural Aesthetics." Society of Cinema & Media Studies. March 2019.

  • "Jax Media and Hipster TV." Flow. September 2018.

  • "Hollywood's Lifeboat Ethics," A Clockwork Green: Ecomedia in the Anthropocene. June 2018.

  • "Fires at Sea: Lifeboat Cinema and Population Displacement," Society of Cinema & Media Studies. March 2018.

  • "Lifeboat Cinema: Survival in the Anthropocene," American Comparative LIterature Association. July 2017.

  • "The Anthropocene's Nonindifferent Nature," Society of Cinema & Media Studies. March 2017.

  • "The Bioregional Imagination of Jean Epstein's Brittany Films," Society of Cinema & Media Studies, Atlanta, April 2016.

  • "Plant-Thinking with Film: Reed, Branch, Flower," Society of Cinema & Media Studies, March 2015.

  • "Monkey-wrenching as Modernist Device: Sabotage and Ecocinema," Society of Cinema & Media Studies, March 2014.

  • Jay Leyda Award for Academic Excellence, New York University

  • William K. Everson Award for Academic Excellence, New York University