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Eric D Howerton

Teaching Associate Professor

Address: Morrill 104D


PhD, Literature and Creative Writing, University of Houston

MFA, Creative Writing (Fiction), The Pennsylvania State University
BA, English-Philosophy and Psychology, University of Mexico

Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • Fiction Writing

  • Post-Colonial Literature

  • Southern Gothic Literature

  • Gothic Literature

  • Film Studies

  • Literary Theory

  • Food Writing

  • Technical Writing and Composition

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL 2413 Exploring Literature

  • ENGL 3323 Technical Writing

  • Adventures in Food Writing (community workshop, OSU Tulsa)

  • This Workshop is Haunted! (community workshop, OSU Tulsa)

Selected Publications

Creative Writing

  • “Nowhere in the Known World,” Event (2018)

  • “Mondays with Snakes,” Quarterly West (2017)

  • “We’re #1!” (digital reprint), The Poleax (2017)

  • “Fifty Third Graders Take a Guided Tour of the D.C. Zoo,” The Gateway Review (2016)

  • “The Speaker, After the Pope,” The Foliate Oak (2015)

  • “(Manuscript Treatment #45A-35/80)—Escape from Castle Mud Urn,” Juked (experimental form)(2015)

  • Author Interview, Front Porch (2015)

  • “The Decree,” Hobart (graphic short story, illustrated by Ted Closson) (2015)

  • “Go Down, Diller” and online Author Interview, The Masters Review (2014)

  • “The Decree,” Treehouse (2014)

  • “Scientists Confirm the Physical Properties of Negative Emotions,” Treehouse (2014)

  • “5 Things,” Treehouse (2014)

  • “Would that She Felt Not So Soft, Wood that She Felled Hardly At All,” Revolver (2014)

  • “We’re #1!” and author interview, Driftwood Press (2014)

  • “Causes of Insomnia,” The Locust (2014)

  • “Field of Dreams,” The Foliate Oak (2014)

  • “A Lasting Fall,” The Legendary (2014)

  • “Au,” The Legendary (2014)

  • “Words Versus Numbers,” theNewerYork (2014)

  • “Editions of Pain,” Dying Goose (experimental form) (2014)

  • “Polyphemus on His Days Off,” PANK online (prose poem) (2013)

  • “Speed Date with the Mental Butcher,” The Higgs Weldon (2013)

  • “Ghost Clothes,” Night Train (2010)

  • “The Specific Gravity of Balloons,” Grey Sparrow Press (2010)

  • “Vacation,” Johnny America (2010)

  • “Pain,” The Bigface (2009)

  • Boriken,” Penn State Donor Magazine (poem) (2008)

  • “The Hornets,” Duck and Herring Pocket Field Guide (2008)

  • “New Restaurant Exposes Old Food Feud,” Shakespeare’s Monkey Review (experimental form) (2008)

  • “How We Are Scarred,” The Bigface (2008)

  • “Sartorial Dark Arts,” Haggard and Halloo (2008)

  • “The Truffle Hounds,” Scribendi (2004)

  • “Orange You Going to Say Goodbye?” Scribendi (2004)

  • “The Grain,” Conceptions Southwest (2004)

Academic Articles/Book Reviews

  • Sand Opera by Philip Metres,” The Volta Blog (online) (2015)

  • Tradition by Daniel Kalastchi,” The Volta Blog (online) (2015)

  • “The Essential Fallacy of Europe: A Study of Edward Said's Nietzschian Language Problems,” Plaza (2014)

  • Flying Over the Fence with Amadou Diallo by Julien Poirier,” The Volta 360 (online) (2014)

  • Corporate Relations by Jena OsmanThe Volta 360 (online) (2014)

  • “Matthew Olzmann’s Mezzanines,” The Volta 360 (online) (2014)

Journalism/Reviews/Feature Writing

  • Forthcoming: “Meat with a Mission,” Oklahoma Today (2022)

  • “A Myth in the Baking,” Oklahoma Today (2021)

  • “Flour Power,” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2019)

  • “Fried Resolutions,” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2019)

  • “The Lemongrass is Always Greener,” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Mar-avilloso,” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Tulsa Taco Crawl, Pt. 2” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Tulsa Taco Crawl, Pt. 1” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Tulsa’s Fresh Fish Tips the Scales” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Sura? Surely!” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Grade-A Family A-Fare” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Inventive Restraint” Restaurant Review, The Tulsa Voice (2018)

  • “Should You Not Pay Taxes Until 2020?” The Poleax (2017)

  • Spoon/Barstool Magazine, restaurant reviewer, 20 publications (2011-2012)

  • Local Flavor, staff writer, 6 publications (2005-2006)

  • Crosswinds Magazine, journalist/reviewer, 15 publications (2005-2006)

  • Albuquerque Alibi, freelance journalist, 1 publication (2005)

  • UNM Daily Lobo, staff reporter/editorialist/columnist, 65 publications (2002-2004)

Selected Conference Presentations
  • Presenter, “Weird Feels,” &Now 2019, Bothell, WA (2019)

  • Presenter, Adventure Time: An *Epic* Tonic to Victor Frankenstein’s Familial Cowardice,” South-West Pop and American Culture Conference, Albuquerque, NM (2019)

  • Presenter, “Wielding Anaximander: A Study of the Intellectual Roots of the Judge’s Evil in Blood Meridian,” South-West Pop and American Culture Conference, Albuquerque, NM (2018)

  • Presenter, “To Be or Not to Be: Questions of Style and Efficiency in Revision,” Weber State University Adjunct Faculty Conference, Ogden, UT (2013)

  • Presenter, “To Be or Not to Be: Questions of Style and Efficiency in Revision,” UH English Department Pedagogy Conference, Houston, TX (2011)

  • Presenter, “A Late Encounter with William Faulkner: Flannery O’Connor, General Sash, and the Anxiety of Influence,” The Flannery O’Connor Conference, Milledgeville, GA (2011)

Professional Appointments or Professional Service
  • English Department Representative, Non-Tenure Track Ad Hoc Committee

  • Committee Member, English Department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee