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Pete Placeholder

Edward Jones

Regents Professor

Address: Morrill 104A
Phone: 405-744-7690
Message: 405-744-9474


PhD, Ohio University


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • John Milton and the English Civil War

  • 17th-Century British Literature

  • Archival records of the English church, state, and parish

  • Diplomatic correspondence of the Commonwealth and Protectorate

Recent Courses Taught

Graduate Seminars:

  • Shakespeare: Performance, Publication, and Appropriation

  • Book History and Four Famous Renaissance Texts

  • Milton and the Restoration: Literature, Politics, Culture

Upper Division:

    • Shakespeare

    • Milton

    • Classical Mythology

    • The Bible as Literature

Selected Publications
  • A Concise Companion to the Study of Manuscripts, Printed Books, and the Production of Early Modern Texts: A Festschrift for Gordon Campbell. Ed. Edward Jones. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

  • "The Itinerant Sibling: Christopher Milton in London and Suffolk." A Concise Companion to the Study of Manuscripts, Printed Books, and the Production of Early Modern Texts: A Festschrift for Gordon Campbell. Ed. Edward Jones. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 87-105.

  • Young Milton: The Emerging Author: 1620-1642. Ed. Edward Jones. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013.

  • "The Archival Landscape of Milton's Youth, University Years, and Pre-London Residencies." Young Milton: The Emerging Author, 1620-1642. Ed. Edward Jones. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013. 3-20.

  • "Aldersgate Street," "Chalfont St Giles," "Eton," "Thomas Gataker," "Edward Goodall," "John Hales," "Hammersmith." The Milton Encyclopedia. Ed. Thomas Corns. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2012.

Selected Conference Presentations
  • "Evolving at what Cost? Scholarship in the Second Decade of the 21st Century." Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Austin, TX. January 2016.

  • "Political Diplomacy, Personal Conviction, and the Fraught Nature of Milton's Letters of State." Conference on John Milton. Murfreesboror, TN. October 2015.

  • "Miltons in Exeter." Eleventh International Milton Symposium. Exeter, England, July 2015.

  • "Milton's Letters of State: Diplomatic Experience and Political Conviction." Renaissance Society of America Meeting. Berlin, Germany,   March 2015.

  • "Milton as Parishioner." (Invited Lecture) University of East Anglia, England, March 2015.

  • "Milton and Parish Records." (Invited Lecture) University of Exeter, England, March 2015.

  • "The Elusive Potential of Gregorio Leti's Collection of Milton's State Papers." British Milton Seminar. Birmingham, England, October 2014.

  • "Milton and Marvell as Writers of Diplomatic Letters." (Plenary Speaker) The Marvell Society Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ, April 2014.

  • "Some Thoughts on the Milton Variorum." MLA Convention. Chicago, IL, 2014.  

Awards and Recognition
  • Regents Distinguished Research Award, Oklahoma State University, 2015

  • Irene Samuel Memorial Award for the Most Distinguished Multi-author Collection on John Milton published in 2013, Milton Society of America, 2014

  • English Department Internal Research Release, Oklahoma State University, 2014

  • Joan Friedman Fellowship, University of Illinois, 2009

  • Carly and Lily Pforzheimer Fellowship, Harry Ransom Center, 2009

  • Phoenix Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Excellence, Oklahoma State University, 2008

  • English Graduate Student Faculty Award, Oklahoma State University, 2008

  • Faculty and Staff Appreciation Award, Oklahoma State University, 2007

  • Bibliographical Society of London, Madan Award, 2004

  • Bibliographical Society of America, Fredson Bowers Award, 2004

  • Faculty Mentor Award, Oklahoma State University, 2000

  • President's Service Award, Oklahoma State University, 1999

  • Regents Distinguished Teaching Award, Oklahoma State University, 1998

  • A&S Outstanding Professor Award, Oklahoma State University, 1996

  • A&S Outstanding Professor Award, Oklahoma State University, 1993

Professional Appointments
  • Regents Professor, Oklahoma State University, 2014

  • Elected Member, Northeast Milton Seminar, 2011-

  • Professor, Oklahoma State University, 2010

  • Member (OSU Representative), Newberry Library Consortium Committee, 2010-

  • Visiting Research Fellow, New College, Oxford, 2010

  • Member, Programme Committee, International Milton Symposia, 2005-

  • Editor, Milton Quarterly, 2005-

  • President, Milton Society of America, 2005

  • Vice PresidentMilton Society of America, 2004

  • Senior Editor, Milton Quarterly, 2002-04

  • MemberExecutive Committee, Milton Society of America, 2001-03

Recent Grants
  • Scholar Research Grant, Oklahoma Humanities Council, 2013

  • Oklahoma State English Department Travel Grant to Collections, 2013

  • Newberry Library Research Travel Grant, 2011

  • A&S Travel Grant, Oklahoma State University, 2011

  • Newberry Library Research Grant, 2010

Current Research
  • Milton and the Parish Chest: Documentary Evidence and the Biographical Enterprise

  • Milton’s Letters of State, Volume 11, Oxford Complete Works of John Milton

  • Paradise LostBooks 7 and 8 for the Milton Variorum

  • The Wiley John Milton Encyclopedia (3 vols), General Editor