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Dinah Cox

Teaching Associate Professor

Address: Morrill 109
Phone: 405-744-9476

Ph.D. and MA, English, Oklahoma State University

BA, Theatre, Earlham College


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • Creative Writing - Fiction

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL 3030 Fiction Writing

  • ENGL 2513, Introduction to Creative Writing

  • ENGL 2413, Exploring Literature

  • ENGL 1313 Critical Analysis and Writing I (Honors)

  • ENGL 1213, Composition II

  • ENGL 1113 Composition I

  • ENGL 2883, Survey of American Literature II

  • GWST 3450 GLBTQ Literature

  • ENGL 1413, Critical Analysis and Writing II

  • ENGL 1313, Critical Analysis and Writing I

Selected Publications


Short Stories

  • “Guidelines” Change Seven (forthcoming)

  • “Everyone Loves a Parade” Redivider (forthcoming) 

  • "Oh, I Know” Arts & Letters 44 (Spring, 2022): 110-120.
  • “The Moon Landing” December 32.2, (Fall/Winter 2021): 11-25. 

  • Joey Mullins is not the Narrator Blue Lake Review, March, 2021 

  • “Playing Cards”Yalobusha Review 33 (Spring, 2021) 

  • Paper Fan The Masters Review New Voices (Spring, 2021) 

  • “Antifreeze Dream” The Virginia Normal 7: (Spring, 2021): 52-62. 

  • “On the Lookout for Nazis These Days” Florida Review 44.1 (Spring, 2020): 139-149. 

  • The Red Envelope Fictive Dream (online) April, 2020

  • “Dress Rehearsal”Jabberwock Review 40.1 (Summer, 2019): 7-25. 

  • “The Shark” 2 Bridges Review 8 (Spring, 2019): 45-56. 

  • Three Back to School Stories New Orleans Review online

  • “Sonny and Cher” Big Muddy 18.2 (2018): 52-59 

  • “Please Listen Carefully; Our Menu Items Have Changed” Raleigh Review 8.2 (Fall, 2018): 45-56. 

  • Shoobie Gulf Coast online 

  • “Grinders for Lunch” Free State Review 8 (Winter, 2018): 17-21. 

  • “The Old-Fashioned Way”Fixional

  • Lost and Found Boys Juked 5.31.2017 

  • “Sick Bed” Pembroke Magazine 2017: 75-87. 

  • “Just Saying Hello” The Laurel Review 49.2 (2016): 20.

  • TabloidSmokelong Quarterly (online).

  • “Oklahoma Drivers are Very Upset” The Meadow 2016: 69-79

  • “The History Professor” Calyx 28.3 (Summer 2015): 84-91

  • “The Love Feast” South Dakota Review 51.3-4 (Spring 2015): 174-180.

  •  “Recipe for Disaster”StoryQuarterly 48 (2015): 269-283.

  • Bun in the Oven” Hayden’s Ferry Review online, (December, 2014).

  • “The Dot” Evening Street Review 10 (Spring 2014): 55-65.

  • “Three Small Town Stories” Salt Hill 32 (Spring 2014): 8-11.

  • “Glue” J Journal 6.1 (Spring 2013): 41-55.

  • “April Fool’s Day” Confrontation 113 (Spring 2013): 163-173.

  • “Three Sad Stories” Quarterly West 76 (Fall 2012).

  • “Adolescence in B Flat” Limestone (2012): 56-73.

  • “The Canary Keeper” Prairie Schooner 86.3 (Fall 2012): 53-64.

  • “Donna Valentine Live” Cream City Review 35.2 (Fall 2011): 22-37.

  • “Blackout” Folio 26.1 (Spring 2011): 85-87.

  • “Three Fire Stories” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment 13.2 (2011): 24-28.

  • “The End of Something Better, The Start of Something Worse” Beloit Fiction

  • Journal 24 (Spring, 2011): 39-50.

  • “Leo’s Peking Palace” Copper Nickel 13 (2010): 33-41.

  • “Remarkable” Zone 3 24.2 (2009): 60-68. 

  • “Honk, Honk Dead” Dislocate 4 (2008): 49-63.

  • The Quisenberry Family Singers” REAL—Regarding Arts & Letters 32.2 (2008): 1-12.

  • “Tragedy and the Common Woman” Other Voices 42 (2005): 155-160.

  • “How to Write About Oklahoma” North Dakota Quarterly 71 (2004): 22-28.

  • Three Stories of Prosperity” The Texas Observer.

  • “The Umbrella is a Mark of Distinction” Eleven, Eleven 10.

  • Pie in the Sky” The Fiddleback 1.

  • “Yellow Dogs” The Wanderlust Review 1.


  • “Birth Certificate” and “Hospital Chart” Bellingham Review online, Fall 2011.


Honors & Offices
  • Finalist, The George Garrett Fiction Prize, Texas Review Press, 2022. 

  • Finalist, Moon City Short Fiction Prize, Moon City Press, 2022. 

  • Finalist, Katherine Anne Porter Prize, University of North Texas Press, 2022. 

  • Winner, Curt Johnson Prose Award in Fiction, December magazine, 2021. 

  • Semifinalist, Non/Fiction Collection Prize, The Journal, 2021. 

  • Honorable Mention, Masters Review prose chapbook contest, 2021. 

  • Finalist, Bateau Press Chapbook Contest, 2021. 

  • Longlisted, Steel Toe Books 2020 Prize in Prose. 

  • Finalist, Hudson Prize, Black Lawrence Press, 2019. 

  • Finalist, Reynolds Price Prize for Fiction; Center for Women Writers, 2019. 

  • Winner, Nancy D. Hargrove Editor’s Prize in Fiction, Jabberwock Review, 2019. 

  • Finalist, Reynolds Price Prize in Fiction; Center for Women Writers, 2018. 

  • Finalist, Lamar York Prize for Fiction, Chattahoochee Review, 2018. 

  • Finalist, Moon City Short Fiction Award, Moon City Press, 2017. 

  • Finalist, G.S. Sharat Chandra Prize for Fiction, BkMk Press, 2016.

  • Nominated, Pushcart Prize, 2015, “A Trip to South America” by SuperstitionReview.

  • Winner, Fourth Annual BOA Short Fiction Prize (2014).

  • Honorable Mention, 500 for 500 Flash-Prose Contest, 2014, Hayden’s FerryReview.

  • Shortlisted: Pressgang Prize, 2014, Pressgang Press at Butler University.

  • Nominated, Pushcart Prize “Glue” 2013 by J Journal.Honorable Mention, 2013 Texas Observer Short Story Contest.

  • Finalist, 2013 Leapfrog Fiction Contest.

  • Finalist, Spokane Prize for Short Fiction, Willow Springs Books, 2012.

  • Runner-up, Flannery O’Connor Prize for Short Fiction, University of GeorgiaPress, 2012.

  • Finalist, Spokane Prize for Short Fiction, Willow Springs Books, 2011.

  • Finalist, New American Press Short Fiction Contest, 2011.

  • First Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Fiction Prize, 2009.

  • Nominated, Pushcart Prize, “The Quisenberry Family Singers,” 2008 by REAL.

  • First Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Fiction Prize, 2008.

  • Marye Lynn Cumming Graduate Scholarship, 2008.

  • Academy of American Poets Prize, 2006.

  • Honorable Mention, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Poetry Prize,2006.

  • Third Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Fiction Prize, 2006.

  • First Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Fiction Prize, 2005.

  • Third Place, Atlantic Monthly Student Writers’ Contest for Fiction, 2003.

  • Honorable Mention, Oklahoma State University Women’s Faculty Council Award for Scholarship in the Area of Women’s Issues, 2002.

  • Audre Chapman Award for Excellence in Teaching Composition, 2002.

  • Second Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Fiction Prize, 2002.

  • First Place, Oklahoma State University Creative Writing Poetry Prize, 2001.

  • First Place, Oklahoma State University Women’s Faculty Council Award for Scholarship in the Area of Women’s Issues, 2000.