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Creative Writing Courses

Undergraduate Courses  

ENGL 2513: Introduction to Creative Writing
Instructors: Various. Literary composition with emphasis on technique and style through readings and writings in fiction and poetry.


ENGL 4630: Advanced Fiction Writing
An exploration of the craft of the short story in a workshop setting featuring extensive reading.


ENGL 4640: Advanced Poetry Writing
Workshops focusing on continued development of the required skills of poetry writing, in which student work receives intense scrutiny.


Graduate Courses

ENGL 5723: Craft and Forms of Poetry
A course focused on the interaction of traditional formal elements with free verse form in contemporary poetry, through analysis, readings, and practice.


ENGL 5730: Seminar in Fiction Writing 
A workshop focused on writing fiction at the professional level.


ENGL 5740: Seminar in Poetry Writing 
A graduate poetry workshop with readings in contemporary poetry.


ENGL 5763: Craft and Forms of Fiction - POV: Narrative Point of View in Fiction
A course focused on aspects of narrative point of view and psychic distance as they pertain to the craft of writing fiction.


ENGL 6130: Studies in Fiction Writing
A craft-oriented workshop with outside readings.


ENGL 6140: Studies in Poetry Writing
A poetry workshop with readings in contemporary poetry and essays about poetry by poets.


ENGL 6160: Studies in Creative Nonfiction 
Individual projects in creative nonfiction.