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The Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies allows OSU students access to the Newberry's world-renowned collection in American Indian and Indigenous studies as well as the resources of the McNickle Center which include exclusive programs and fellowships for students and faculty of member institutions.

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Four students and Dr. Boles stand in front of a protector screen with the Newberry logo behing them.

A man with brown hair and a blue shirt smiles with a natural background of greenery.

"I have had the opportunity to attend the NCAIS Graduate Student Conference multiple times, and each year it is the most rewarding conference I attend. It is a chance to interact with the authors of the most important works in Native American history and to present alongside students from leading universities from across North America. Membership in this unique consortium is one of the many reasons that graduate studies in Oklahoma State's Department of History is a rewarding and career-enhancing prospect."

- Sheldon Yeakley
Doctoral Student


Spring 2021 NCAIS Workshop hosted by OSU Faculty

In spring 2021, Oklahoma State University hosted the annual NCAIS workshop. Graduate students from NCAIS member institutions across the country participated in this event organized by Douglas Miller in the Department of History and Lindsey Smith in the Department of English.

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Picture of the NCAIS Workshop promotional material.