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Arts and Sciences

Join the Dean's Circle

The College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Circle celebrates our most loyal donors. Dean's Circle members help promote and sustain excellence in teaching, research and outreach. This group provides the opportunity to remain connected with CAS while providing critical support for our students. According to the Cowboy Code, we end each day with the knowledge that we did our very best. Thank you to our CAS Dean’s Circle members for doing their very best to support CAS. 

Membership DetailsPlease see below for details about eligibility and benefits. Dean’s Circle membership is open to anyone, whether or not you are a graduate of CAS.

Membership Criteria for Individuals:

  • Gifts totaling $1,000 or more annually to any CAS fund. Company matching gifts may be used to reach this threshold.
  • Young alumni (graduating within the last 10 years) who give an annual donation of $500 or more.
  • Lifetime membership is available to donors who start an endowed fund* in CAS.

Membership Criteria for Businesses:

  • $5,000 annually in corporate donations: receive one company representative in the Dean’s Circle.
  • $10,000 and above: receive two representatives.

Membership Benefits:

  • Invitation to  the Annual Dean’s Circle Reception.
  • Dean Cro provides annual updates about CAS
  • Opportunity to network, ask questions, and hear about student and faculty successes
  • Biannual emails from the dean, which will include exclusive updates and advance notification on CAS news
  • CAS “CONNECT” magazine, mailed annually
  • Open invitation to meet with the dean (must be scheduled)

Dean’s Circle 

On The Road: Austin
The Dean’s Circle On The Road: Austin is an exclusive event for Dean’s Circle members and friends. Events such as this benefit our Dean’s Circle members by: networking with fellow OSU alumni and receiving campus updates from the Dean.