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Adam Roth

Department of Sociology

Adam Roth headshot

Dr. Adam Roth is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. His research seeks to better understand the human condition by exploring the types of communities, social networks, and families within which people are embedded and how these social contexts influence health and well-being across various life stages. Although he is interested in a diversity of topics, Adam’s recent work focuses on cognitive health among older adults. He is currently the principal investigator of the Social Environment and Cognitive Health in Urban and Rural Areas (SECHURA) study—a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute on Aging (see for details). 


Adam joined the faculty in fall 2022 after completing his M.A. and Ph.D. at Washington State University and a postdoctoral fellowship at Indiana University. He currently teaches courses on aging and the life course, health and illness, and statistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels.