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Jack Edwards headshot

Jack A. Edwards

Majors: Political Science and Psychology

Jack Edwards, a Dallas native, came to Oklahoma State with aspirations of growing as a leader and molding himself into a man fit to lead the country in the realm of national politics. During his time with the College of Arts and Sciences, he was a member of the Freshman Representative Council, President's Leadership Council, and Student Alumni Board. He also served as an ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences and the secretary of the CAS Freshman Student Council.


CAS provided him the resources and tools necessary to embark on his journey toward law school and the world of politics. His blend of political science and psychology classes have exposed him to fields and perspectives he would not have otherwise encountered. Campus organizations such as the Student Government Association have played critical roles in his development as a leader. Mentors within these organizations have played immeasurable roles in developing him both academically and professionally. He hopes that one day with the skills acquired through the College of Arts and Sciences, he will become a man who can create a difference on a national scale as a career politician.

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