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American Studies at OSU

American Studies at OSU examines the history, culture and society of the United States from a multidisciplinary, multicultural and transnational perspective. We investigate the diverse peoples and ideas that have shaped the nation using an eclectic array of tools — from sociology and political science to history, literature, cultural and media studies. With strong ties to the interdisciplinary minors in Gender and Women’s Studies, American Indian Studies and Africana Studies, AMST courses emphasize issues of identity, social power and social responsibility, with a particular focus on the importance of race, class, gender and sexuality in American life.
2 ladies and a child standing outside during dust bowl

Program Information

Major Options

B.A., B.S., degrees with or without Pre-Law option.

Minor Options

Students can take interdisciplinary courses in American Studies that complement their majors in other fields.


Information to help you plan your education at OSU.

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The Eagle Has Landed headline in old newspaper


