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The Geofluids and Hydrogeology Laboratory

is designed to perform multiphase reactive transport and microbiological experiments at deep geological formation conditions. Our research includes conducting experimental and computational research on the petrophysical characterization of rocks, as well as on the hydrological, geochemical and microbiological factors and interactions that control the multiphase bio-geochemical reactive transport of gas, aqueous and hydrocarbon compounds in deep and shallow geological formations of complex heterogeneous porous media such as carbonates, at both the pore and the field scale levels. The focus is on groundwater quality, petroleum produced water treatment and disposal, geological carbon storage and utilization, and enhanced oil recovery in the form of methane and hydrogen. The goal is to develop new environmental technologies and computational methodologies to minimize the environmental burden and optimize the development of subsurface energy and groundwater resources. Our research incorporates the utilization of global optimization, machine learning and environmental data analytical tools and techniques.


Water-Energy-CO2 Nexus

  • Carbon capture and utilization in depleted oil reservoirs

  • Biogenic H2 production in depleted oil reservoirs used for geological carbon storage

  • Petroleum-produced water treatment and disposal

  • Mining of metals from petroleum-produced water

Machine Learning & Environmental Data Analysis

  • Pore-scale modeling of petrophysical properties

  • Numerical optimization and uncertainty analysis

  • Geostatistical analysis of groundwater and hydrocarbon reservoirs

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase Reactive Transport Processes

  • Groundwater flow

  • Enhanced oil recovery

  • Geological CO2 storage

  • Heap and underground leaching of minerals

  • Transport and transformation of pollutants in underground water

Petroleum and Mineral Biotechnology

  • Microbial enhanced hydrocarbon recovery

  • Biogenic CO2-recycling to CH4

  • Bio & Hydrometallurgy

  • Biological treatment of waters

Hydrothermal Technology

  • Upgrading of heavy oil with supercritical fluids

  • Hydrothermal hydrogen generation

Hydrogeology students in back of pickup heading to do some work.